Alphabetica Pandemica

A list of what can
B done to
C off Covid-19
Deem it illegal? 
Eradicate chemically? Or politely say
Gee up the vaccines?
H Bomb the aerosols?
iPhone tracking? Stick it in
Jail? Accept it saying
K sera sera?
L plates for non-distancers?
MOT virus transporters?
N-slave hospital workers?
Ownership by government?
P on poor retailers and join the
Q for home shop deliveries?
R we going carry on like this?
S-calating the problem? Let’s
T up better times
Unanimously working towards
V for victory in 2021
W and your loved ones’ resolve to
Xterminate the beast.
Y is it all so exhausting?
Zed time.
(Tomorrow is another A)


Whatever Next?